Create an equitable and sustainable community within the sport of lacrosse where minorities will unequivocally have the chance to engage and excel in a safe and supported environment.


  • Hold an in-person or virtual team meeting to discuss current events and racial justice. Convey what these issues mean to you personally, and encourage student-athletes and staff to be open with personal experiences, fears and questions.

  • Reinforce the team's commitment to diversity and inclusion. Stress the benefits of diversity in all aspects of society and how it helps raise awareness of injustice and unfairness.

  • Share your team's feedback, concerns and plans of action with senior athletics department and campus leadership.

  • Hold an in-person or virtual team meeting with local law enforcement leaders.

  • Hold an in-person or virtual team meeting with athletics department and/or campus diversity and inclusion leaders.

  • Frequently invite successful minorities from a range of occupations and backgrounds to address the team.

  • Schedule a team visit to the campus and/or community Multicultural Center.

  • Invite Minority/Multicultural studies faculty to address the team.

  • Establish Election Day as an annual team day off or make a team event/activity. Teach and encourage student-athletes how to complete an absentee ballot.

  • Encourage all student-athletes and staff to register and then to vote in all local polls.

  • We will Listen - we will create a platform where minorities can share their story and be heard

  • We will Educate - we will provide research and data that will expose the reality of our current environment regarding diversity and inclusion

  • We will Act - we will take responsibility for social justice in our home, community (local and at large), campus and locker room

  • We will Diversify - we hope to inspire a collective motivation to change the current and future environment of the lacrosse community


The 2021 IMLCA Coaches Summit kicked off with an introduction to Kyle Williams & Kamal Carter, Founders of A Long Talk About the Uncomfortable Truth. The feedback from our members was overwhelmingly positive, but now is the time to follow through & to take action. Below are the first steps & resources to do so.

#1- Register Here

#2 -Join the Google Classroom link that is emailed to you after you register

Introduce Yourself Here

#4 In Google Classroom - click on Classwork, scroll down to the “Watch Section” & Watch the History of Race In America” video

#5 Fill out the response form next to the Jeffrey Robinson video


Diversity & Inclusion in Sports:
The Improvements We Need & How to Begin Seeing Them

As part of National Diversity Week, the IMLCA Diversity & Inclusion Committee hosted a webinar & discussion with NFL Players Association Executive Director, DeMaurice Smith to discuss the necessary improvements needed across all sports and insight through his own experiences on how to have those constructive conversations with players, administrators, and parents.

Watch the entire Tuesday Talks series, hosted by the Diversity & Inclusion Committee, for free in the IMLCA Video Library: